Posted: Dec 3, 2024
Category: The Musician Business
make money songwriting know your audience brand partnerships sync placements chorus explicit song titles school of sync
**Guest post written by Xander Rushie of School of Sync.
"1. The Best Song Wins 2. Don’t write in the first person 3. Don’t Bore Us - Get To The Chorus! 4. Treat Each Section As a New Scene 5. Don’t Be Explicit..."
Posted: Jun 11, 2024
Category: Songwriting
writers block music business podcasts songwriting music album release demo get creative bug hunter accountability perfection
**Guest post written by Bug Hunter, a "thoughtful, self-reflective pop" singer-songwriter out of Seattle.
"As a full-time song-writer, I have done my best to keep putting out new content often enough to keep my audience interested in my music while making sure everything about each song meets a SUPER high bar I’ve set for myself in terms of content and lyricism. I’ve averaged a new album every 1.5 years. But 40+ songs later, I found myself coming to the ends of my own experiences and imagination. I’ve covered fresh love, heart-break, sibling rivalry, and screen-peaking emails on airplanes. I’ve even ventured into ghostly neighbors, time-traveling toasters, and metaphorical bank robberies that may or may not be a stand-in for taking too many samples at Costco. I’ve covered all the usual bases."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 16, 2023
Category: The Musician Business
music business songwriting persistence reviews expert conversations learned skills production one submit self awareness keys to success
**Guest post by One Submit, the ultimate music submission platform.
"Over the course of the years, I have learned that there are very important and valuable skills in particular that make a big difference and, from experience, have helped me continue to improve. Surprisingly, it's not time management skills, networking skills, or even improving your songwriting skills or talent that will launch your art career. So, what is the most important skill you'll need to become a successful artist?"
Posted: Apr 11, 2023
Category: Promotion
one submit social media networking marketing plan newsletters music streaming services songwriting online presence videos playlisting collaboration
**Guest post by One Submit, the smart way to promote music.
"Now is truly the best time to be an independent artist. Thanks to the internet, everything is feasible and accessible. Regardless of whether you are just starting out in music or are already an established professional, spreading music around the world has become easier than before. As an artist you can promote your music independently and efficiently without needing to break the bank."
Posted: Jan 24, 2023
Category: Songwriting
songwriting lyrics get creative comfort zone collaboration genre experiment
**Guest post written by Hovey Otis.
"When it comes to songwriting, having a unique and creative perspective can be the difference between a great song and an average one. But how can you look at the same lyrics in a different way and create something that stands out? Here are 3 tips to help you switch up your approach to songwriting and find new inspiration."
View Full ArticlePosted: Sep 6, 2022
Category: The Musician Business
social media merch make money facebook youtube promotion marketing podcasts songwriting sponsorship tiktok jesse young el
**Guest post written by Jesse Young El.
"You're an artist who's just starting out in your career. You've been hustling, grinding, and making connections for years, and you're finally starting to see some success. Your music is starting to get attention, and you're beginning to perform at shows and venues. Or maybe that's not your story at all. Maybe you're rarely getting calls for shows. Maybe the venue you do get booked in is paying you very little. Perhaps your music isn't generating much revenue from royalties. If any of these is the case, then you're really going to have to hustle differently to make additional income. But don't worry, there are ways that you can make money as a singer or hip-hop artist beyond just shows and royalties."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 5, 2022
Category: Technology
music technology song production pros songwriting mastering lyrics be efficient production artificial intelligence
**Guest post written by Brad Johnson, a musician and producer from Southern California. When he isn’t spending time with his wife and kids at the beach, he is helping songwriters and musicians at Song Production Pros.
"We live in the age of singles and playlists, and the more music you release, the better your chances of getting discovered. With tools at our fingertips to self-publish, self-promote, and stay connected to our fans, most musicians' most significant challenge is staying creative and finishing projects. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can come in to help. AI is still in its early stages for creative applications. However, there are several innovative products to leverage AI and help you break through creative barriers and make more music quickly..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 28, 2022
Category: Tips & Tricks
make money publishing youtube music business songwriting licensing instagram brand partnerships snapchat collaboration tiktok innovo management
**Guest post by Sam Saideman, co-founder of artist management and consultant agency Innovo Management.
"2020 wreaked havoc on everyone’s lives, however in my opinion, artists (and freelance creatives as a whole) took the brunt of it. Reminiscing now, it’s clear which artists figured it out and which didn’t, but I want to utilize this piece to discuss ways I saw artists adapt in the hopes that it helps readers dig back into YouTube (and other resources) to learn a part of the industry they didn’t know existed! It’s worth noting, these are not the only ways to build supplemental income or adapt, but merely a few to start with."
View Full ArticlePosted: Feb 22, 2022
Category: Career Goals
make money songwriting keys to success career goals setting goals music libraries smarter framework licensing
**Guest post written by Eyvindur Karlsson, a singer-songwriter and songwriting coach who helps artists stop wasting time staring at a blank page and waiting for inspiration so they can write more songs of higher quality. He is passionate about coaching songwriters to help them get more great music out in the world and is the owner of the website
"If you want to improve in any area, whether professionally or personally, goal setting is vital...when done right, goals help us to assess our progress and reassess if we get off track...In this article I'm going to cover the basics of goal setting, from a songwriter's perspective, and introduce you to the SMARTER framework of goal setting."
View Full ArticlePosted: Nov 29, 2021
Category: The Musician Business
diy make money managers marketing indie artists mixing songwriting keys to success distribution music album release royalties recording mastering design copyright production
**Guest post written by Yona Marie, originally featured in her blog.
"Releasing songs as an independent artist is pretty easy thanks to technology. 50 years back, you'd be out of luck for the most part, but now is the best time to thrive as a musician or artist without having to rely on a label! The main thing about being independent is that you want to make sure you're always growing and learning when it comes to music industry knowledge. You are in charge of your career and will not have any big-money company backing you or guiding you."
View Full ArticlePosted: Aug 2, 2021
Category: The Musician Business
producers songwriting licensing fiverr music business keys to success beats melody nest make money
**Guest post written by Nick Voorhees, founder of Melody Nest.
Posted: Jun 14, 2021
Category: Recording
songwriting sampling producer setting goals studio time recording arrangement midi reference tracks home studio ideas
**Guest post by Martin Kristiansen, founder of
"Getting stuck on unfinished tracks is probably one of the most common issues for producers. I think we all can agree that starting a new track is so much easier than putting the finishing touches on an existing project. Today I want to share 7 tips that you can use to achieve some closure on your music-making. Let’s dive right in!"
View Full ArticlePosted: Jun 7, 2021
Category: Merch
live streaming merch make money relationships with fans songwriting sampling bandzoogle video games physical vs. digital lyrics setlist
**Guest post written by Desi Thorne for Bandzoogle.
"The beauty of digital merch is that you can offer it to fans anywhere in the world. Create some one-of-a-kind items for your online store."
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 8, 2021
Category: The Musician Business
make money marketing live performances music business songwriting keys to success learning prediction teach collaboration second job coronavirus justin paul attitude
**Guest post from Justin Paul, music/career coach, A&R, DJ, and producer.
"The pandemic has hurt all artists, even larger acts had to cancel tours. Ultimately what we're talking about is that there has been loads of money lost for the artist, for the promoters, also for the sound engineers, light engineers, stage crew, food vendors, security, stage techs, drivers, venues, and merchandise sales in live music. Furthermore, the pandemic has created a lot of self-doubt and uncertainty for artists. Some artists are now thinking about shifting to a different career or creating side hustles. Multiple income streams are the way to go even during normal times."
View Full ArticlePosted: Feb 8, 2021
Category: The Musician Business
make money producers musician budget songwriting ask peers recording mastering delegate responsibilities songwriter collaboration
**Guest post by Randy Chertkow and Jason Feehan of Originally featured in the Disc Makers Blog. Reprinted with permission.
"In part four of our DIY music business series, we cover the tasks required to get your music written, recorded, produced, and made ready for distribution...Whether you handle all these roles for your music, or just a few, there are resources that can help with each."
View Full ArticlePosted: Sep 28, 2020
Category: Licensing
songwriting licensing cold pitching songtown time management industry resources
**Guest post written by Marty Dodson, a multi-hit songwriter, co-founder of SongTown, and co-author of The Songwriter’s Guide To Mastering Cowriting and Song Building: Mastering Lyric Writing.
Posted: Aug 17, 2020
Category: Music Streaming
spotify songwriting music album release recording consistency lords of the trident
**Guest post by Fang from Lords of the Trident, the most METAL band on earth!
"Daniel Ek, the CEO of Spotify, has been in hot water after stating that musicians "can’t record music once every three to four years and think that’s going to be enough". Is he right? Are we just slaves to never-ending work?"
View Full ArticlePosted: Aug 10, 2020
Category: Songwriting
songwriting ask peers sync placements songwriter lyrics get feedback quality collaboration open mics kristen ford
**Guest post written by Kristen Ford, Nashville based indie rock act with a passion for music business and a book on DIY touring in the works.
"Hearing how the audience responds can be hugely helpful in deciding to cut that verse or extend that outro, bands often "road test" songs before committing to record them. Now that many venues are closed for Covid-19 and open mics are on hold for the foreseeable future, it can be easy to feel stuck, isolated or missing the community feel. The more collaborators you have on a project, the more possible doors could open."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 20, 2020
Category: The Musician Business
live streaming merch advertising music business music streaming services songwriting sponsorship royalties crowdfunding monetization session musicians megaphone agency teach diversify coronavirus
**Guest post written by Jordan Gates, of Megaphone Agency.
"This isn’t the first time [the music industry] has been forced to adapt to tremendous change and adversity. No one is immune to the threats of disruption, volatility, and hyper competition that exist in this industry. Despite the fickle nature, there are things artists can do to set themselves up for success in the long run. Here are some thoughts on how to weather the storms and come out on top..."
Posted: Apr 6, 2020
Category: Tips & Tricks
music business live streaming merch fan engagement songwriting insurance recording performing rights organization plan ahead teach patreon coronavirus government assistance unemployment donate financial grants kristen ford
**Guest post by Kristen Ford, Nashville based indie rock act with a passion for music business and a book on DIY touring in the works.
Seeing as so many gigs are canceled, with business as usual impossible due to coronavirus social distancing, I am trying to make the most of this unfortunate situation. If you are a musician like me, whether you are self employed, have a small business with a few employees or just do music part time and are still missing some of your income due to Coronavirus cancelations, I hope some of these resources will be helpful...
View Full ArticlePosted: Sep 9, 2019
Category: The Lefsetz Letter
record labels merch diy managers promotion music festivals indie artists songwriting nyc la bob lefsetz genre booking agents
**Guest post by Bob Lefsetz of The Lefsetz Letter.
"Don't wait for help, do it yourself. Just like you can record and distribute yourself, you can promote too. If you're waiting for a manager to start, don't...Decide who you want to be. A hobbyist, a touring musician or a superstar. This affects your path..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 23, 2019
Category: Songwriting
music business songwriting influences keys to success disc makers bruce springsteen lyrics the beatles leonard cohen joni mitchell david bowie tom waits the cars taylor swift
**Guest post written by Chris Huff, originally featured in the Disc Makers Blog.
"If you are interested in writing lyrics with depth, you need a deep artistic well to draw from. All output requires input, and as a lyricist, I recommend you begin with words."
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 11, 2019
Category: Giving Back
make money songwriting cover songs charities health the great blue song project
**Guest post written by Jamie Wyman, singer-songwriter and Executive Director of The Great Blue Song Project.
"How many times have you heard people say, “I always wanted to learn to play the guitar” or, “I wish my parents made me practice the piano when I was a kid”? You are one of the few who followed through. And now that you have nurtured your musical superpower, you must use it for good. Here are five ways you can use your musical powers for good..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jun 12, 2017
Category: Songwriting
#1 hit songs 100 greatest artists charts elvis presley keys to success songwriting the beatles
**Guest post written by Matt Lindley.
Posted: Jan 23, 2017
Category: Live Performance
lighting microphones npr perfect your performance position songwriting tiny desk contest video marketing videos
**Guest post by Niki Walker, lead videographer of NPR's Tiny Desk series. Originally posted on NPR Music’s Tiny Desk Contest Tumblr.