Posted: Nov 26, 2024
Category: Indie on the Move
find venues music venues directory community support gigging reviews iotm tutorials
Like a lot of other platforms, IOTM has ratings and reviews built into the site so that the community can benefit from other peoples' experiences. How can you contribute back to the site in the same fashion?
Posted: Oct 29, 2024
Category: Online Presence
live music venues community support photos know your options videos iotm tutorials
With a free user account, you not only get an artist profile and the ability to interact with the user generated sections of the site (members portal, show/band availabilities, and classifieds), but you can also add additional media to the official venue listings to further enhance the communities knowledge of the venues in the directory. This can be accomplished in two ways...
Posted: Sep 24, 2024
Category: Online Presence
networking iotm tutorials show availability show booking touring community support opening bands band availability classified listing
Show availabilities are reserved for finding additional talent for shows that already exist...If you wish to announce your own availability, you can do that with a band availability...Lastly, classified listings are for everything else...all of these sections of the site are free!
Posted: Aug 28, 2024
Category: The Musician Business
music venues exposure networking community support collaboration iotm tutorials
While the official venue listings on the site are administratively curated and controlled, we do still encourage community input as it relates to additions and updates to our venues directory.
Posted: Jul 31, 2024
Category: Indie on the Move
networking create opportunities iotm tutorials alert preferences personalized experience
From your account dropdown menu in the top right hand corner of the site, there is an option for settings...but the "Manage Follow" button on that page can take you to the more advanced alert customizations...All of these preferences will help you to be as informed as possible about the opportunities on the site while limiting the unwanted/irrelevant alerts.
Posted: Jun 26, 2024
Category: Music Festivals
music festivals cold pitching music technology know your options iotm tutorials music conferences
Unfortunately you cannot. This is for a couple of reasons: 1. Most music festivals and conferences just don't use email to book. 2. We want people to be knowledgeable about a festival or conference before doing their outreach. 3. There are plenty of times that a submission fee will be required along with your submission.
Posted: May 29, 2024
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues show booking keys to success know your options be efficient iotm tutorials
There are a couple of reasons why a venue would be classified as "excluded" when using the IOTM QuickPitch to reach out to music venues and colleges/universities: 1. That venue does not use email to book. 2. That venue only or mostly works with local talent. 3. That venue is primarily a rental facility...With that being said though, there can be a lot of valuable options in the excluded list, so do not hesitate to go through it individually once your QuickPitch is approved.
Posted: May 1, 2024
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues show booking cold pitching persistence follow up iotm tutorials keys to success
Following up with music venues that do not respond to booking inquiries is an important part of the booking process. After all, persistence is key to landing the most gigs. Things do get a bit more complicated though when you are talking about sending a second cold pitch to a group of venues included in an Indie on the Move QuickPitch email. The first step is to remove the venues that did respond initially so those conversations can continue individually. Then once the venues list is updated, you can very easily add a relevant follow up message and new pitch name. You'll see we already took care of the proper formatting. This video will show you the rest of the process.
Posted: Mar 26, 2024
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues youtube support slots fan engagement gig swap talent buyer iotm tutorials show availability
1. Ask the talent buyers for recommendations. 2. Ask local people that you know. 3. Check out the venues' websites. 4. Post a show availability on IOTM. 5. Use YouTube. 6. Search for acts via the IOTM members directory.
Posted: Feb 28, 2024
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues show booking music festivals cold pitching college gigs be efficient iotm tutorials
Indie on the Move offers a couple of different account/subscription levels: free, premium, and deluxe. While you can find a point by point breakdown of those features on the site's pricing page, this video shows you how those features can be put to use as it relates to your show/tour booking through the platform.
Posted: Jan 31, 2024
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues show booking music festivals cold pitching college gigs be efficient iotm tutorials
While we do have community driven sections of the site, specifically the availabilities, the most effective method of using the platform to get shows and tours booked is via direct outreach to the venues, colleges, and festivals in our venues database.