Posted: Aug 28, 2013
Category: Renman Music & Business
9:30 club artistic conviction career goals concert promoter make money music business true north
Seth Hurwitz is a partner at I.M.P. Productions and a longtime veteran concert promoter. As part owner of the 9:30 Club in Washington DC, Seth has been involved in the independent promotion business for decades and his experiences in the business shaped a "realist" attitude toward the industry, to say the least. In this clip, Seth advises aspiring artists to simply: bring it. And for the aspiring business professionals, Seth says the key to success is to figure out what reality is, stick by it, and don't change your version of it because someone's trying to change your version of it. Wise words from an experienced veteran.
View Full ArticlePosted: Aug 26, 2013
Category: Show Booking
draw hometown make money music business pay to play show booking tour booking touring tips
**Guest post written by Ari Herstand, a DIY singer-songwriter from Los Angeles, CA with 500+ shows under his belt, as featured in his blog "Ari's Take".
"...But what all the non-superstar musicians in LA have in common is, when we play a show in town we accept shitty shitty deals...This isn't going to be a post about LA (as that could fill a book), but rather the issue of "pay to play" clubs. Let's explore some of the many scenarios bands get offered by venues and promoters every day..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 15, 2013
Category: The Lefsetz Letter
artistic conviction fame guidance make money music business relationships with fans
**Guest Post by Bob Lefsetz of The Lefsetz Letter.
"DON'T DEPEND ON THIRD PARTIES - Being an artist is doing it your way. Now you no longer need a label, gatekeepers are not as powerful as they once were, so why are you playing to them? Of course it's more difficult going your own way, but that's the paradigm of the future. He who plays by the rules gets left behind..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 3, 2013
Category: Renman Music & Business
alex da kid eminem imagine dragons influences keys to success mentors music business rihanna
From Imagine Dragons to Eminem and Rihanna, Alex Da Kid works with and produces the biggest artists of today's music business. Currently, Alex is flying high thanks to his production on the smash single RadioActive by Imagine Dragons. In addition to producing, Alex recently started his own record label Kid In A Korner in partnership with Interscope. In this clip, Alex talks about who helped him along his career path and why he studies successful people's careers to help him in his own.
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 2, 2013
Category: Live Performance
make money merch music business repeat customers restaurants show booking
**Guest post written by Nifty of
"Begin by thinking of yourself as more than just a “hired” musician playing for an evening in a nice (or not so nice) restaurant. Viewing this opportunity as a typical “gig” is actually a 9 to 5 mentality that’s fatal to your income potential. The restaurant has hired you, not for the purpose of doing “you” a favor, nope. The restaurant owner is trying to add value to her customers."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jun 28, 2013
Category: The Musician Business
artistic conviction bret alexander diy music business songwriting
**Guest Post by Bret Alexander of The Badlees and Saturation Acres.
Music doesn’t sell in the numbers it once did, but a bigger variety is being consumed. There is so much more to choose from. Everyone is splintering into thousands of little niches. So your best course of action as a creator is to nurture and take care of the core people who are really passionate about what you do...[And]...
You have to do everything yourself. And that means booking, teaching lessons, playing shitty gigs for cash, producing, making your own records, working in a music store, etc. etc. You can’t specialize anymore...
View Full ArticlePosted: Jun 17, 2013
Category: The Lefsetz Letter
artistic conviction major labels music business radio promotion radio stations
**Guest Post by Bob Lefsetz of The Lefsetz Letter.
"The major music business, the "new music" business, is built upon radio, it depends upon it....[but] just like music piracy is a dead conversation, just like streaming has eclipsed it, terrestrial radio is dying...however, its replacement has not reared its head yet. Therefore the oldsters say radio is forever. But lousy sales figures of today's mass market records proves this to be wrong...[so] The young acts of today have to depend upon the young entrepreneurs of today to build their careers..."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 16, 2013
Category: The Lefsetz Letter
artistic conviction fame hits major labels make money music business relationships with fans
**Guest Post by Bob Lefsetz of The Lefsetz Letter.
"...That's one thing wrong with the younger generation, they date in groups, they want to be a member of the club, individuality is shunned. But when it comes to lasting art, individuality is key..."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 13, 2013
Category: The Musician Business
live performances make money music business promotion relationships with fans
**Guest post written by Nifty of
"What many struggling artists fail to realize is that “successful” musicians operate with solid business principles. Successful business models – for the most part – can be applied across different businesses and areas of life. The primary business principle I’m talking about is “putting your customer first”; in this case, your “customers” are your fans. Fall in love with your fans and stop falling in love with your own music..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 9, 2013
Category: Renman Music & Business
music business show booking the windish agency touring strategy
Tom Windish heads up The Windish Agency as President, representing one of the most diverse and eclectic rosters in the music business. Operating on gut and killer instinct, Tom moves fast and snatches up his talent early. That can be both wonderful and intimidating all at the same time because The Windish Agency gets the chance to develop their touring plan and add value to the band before they take that leap to the next level. But, what is their strategy to develop and build that band on the live side? Sometimes, their acts haven't even played a live show yet! So, how do they get the band the necessary reps to build up and deliver a mind-blowing concert? Find out right here with Mr. Windish!
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