Posted: Nov 26, 2024
Category: Indie on the Move
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Like a lot of other platforms, IOTM has ratings and reviews built into the site so that the community can benefit from other peoples' experiences. How can you contribute back to the site in the same fashion?
Posted: May 31, 2022
Category: The Musician Business
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**Guest post written by Greg Majewski, originally featured in CD Baby's DIY Musician blog.
"Unless you’re a true social butterfly, networking with promoters, bookers, members of the press and other pros in your scene is probably the most difficult part of being an indie musician. And that was before the pandemic caused worldwide anxiety about interacting with other humans. The past two years have impacted our industry in ways we’re still comprehending. We’re here to help you emerge from pandemic hibernation and get your networking back on track. Here are nine tips to connect with your peers in the music biz..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Nov 19, 2018
Category: Show Booking
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**Guest post written by Jordan Gates, of Megaphone Agency.
"Booking shows can be difficult, especially if you don’t have an experienced booking agent working with you...Most artists start out booking their own shows early on in their career...Knowing how to properly represent yourself to venues and get booked is an essential skill for independent artists. There is no definitive playbook for getting gigs, but here are some things that can help get your foot in the door."
Posted: Dec 11, 2017
Category: Show Booking
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**Guest post written by Adam Young, CEO and founder of Event Tickets Center, a marketplace for tickets to sports, concert and Broadway events.
"Playing a concert takes a ton of preparation, especially when it’s your band’s first time on stage...But when it’s finally time to make your debut, it’s important plan for the venue—and it’s hard to know what to expect until you start going to performances at a wide range of bars, clubs and concert halls in any town. When you do, here are a few things to keep an eye out for..."
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